Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Preparation, Preparation, Preparation

Today, I will take my SOTA Gear bags apart and put back together. I will finish all the little details for a good expedition. Tomorrow, I will take my bag to our SOTA Expedition meeting to review with the team.
After the meeting I will make the final adjustments for the expedition.
This is going to be fun!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Next Sota Expediton meeting

We are having our next meeting this week and our  1st expedition a week from Saturday! This will tell us how prepared we really are at this time. A great learning opportunity for the team!

Friday, September 23, 2011


Well in true fashion, I will probably pack way more than is needed. I always do. So I plan to observe carefully and take note as to what is the best bare minimum set up. Toting gear a long way up a mountain may not be fun. So we want to learn light.

I am excited about learning new aspects of QRP radio.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Preparing for our first Sota

Well the SOTA Cracker team has met and began an inventory each of us have to determine what we will be taking on our first expedition. I think the team is excited about our first attempt. I know I am. We will see how much we leave behind for our next expedition. This first expedition will be our shakedown trip and a great learning experience.